Dixons Broadgreen Academy | Leadership
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Dixons Broadgreen Academy

Thank you to the NSPCC for their feedback - "A remarkable school... a determination to meet the needs of each student, with a long term goal of having a meaningful impact on their future opportunities." Read More


Our principals are empowered to lead their academies, and they do so primarily in the best interests of their students and their school. They also work in partnership with other principals for the good of the Trust as a whole.

They articulate their own culture, values and vision for learning around our shared core principles. We empower our people in every area and at every level of the organisation, and hold them accountable for their outcomes. We develop a strong culture of student leadership in all our academies.

Mrs. Rachael Fidler - Principal and Deputy DSL - rfidler@dixonssat.com

Mr. Frank Gee - Vice Principal and Deputy DSL - fgee@dixonsba.com

Mr. Nick Hughes - Vice Principal and Deputy DSL - nhughes@dixonsba.com

Dr. Jonathan Moore - Vice Principal and Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) - jmoore@dixonsba.com