- About
- Mission, values and drivers
- Dixons Academies Trust
- Our academy day
- Curriculum
- Uniform
- Attendance
- Family handbook
- Broadgreen broadcast
- Leadership
- Key contacts
- School meals
- Family support
- Remote learning
- Mountain rescue
- Careers education
- Performance tables
- Deaf Resource Base (DRB)
- Policies and documents
- My Child at School App
- Safeguarding
- Ofsted
- Governance
- Reading support
- Improvement planning
- The Sharp System
- Research School
- GDPR and privacy
Mission, values and drivers
At Dixons Broadgreen Academy, our mission is to provide all students with a first-class education; one that opens every door in their adult life to maximise their life chances in the future.
We are committed to empowering every individual so that they fulfil our mission of ensuring every student succeeded at University or real life alternative, thrived in a top job and lived their best life. Students and staff are committed to three core values that underpin who we are and how we behave:
Work hard
Whatever it takes for as long as it takes and never give up.
Have integrity
We do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do. We support each other without excuses.
Be fair
We play by the rules, we are polite, courteous and fair with everything we do.
Academy life is the embodiment of these values, and they underpin every routine and interaction.
We also focus on three key drivers: mastery, which is the drive to get better at things that matter; autonomy, or the drive to direct our own lives; and purpose, which is the drive to connect to a cause larger than ourselves (Taken from: Dan Pink, ‘Drive‘).
The highest of expectations delivers the best outcomes and improves the lives of young people so we are relentless in our work with students and families and this requires dedication and support from all members of our school community. We work hard, uphold our standards, treat everyone fairly and behind everything we do is the conviction that education and high expectations are the recipe for success.