Dixons Broadgreen Academy | Key contacts
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Dixons Broadgreen Academy

Our academy is now closed for the Christmas break. We look forward to welcoming students back on Monday 6 January at 8.17am for an 8.20am start. Gates will be open from 8.00am.

Key contacts

Below is a list of key contacts. You can find further contact information here.

ContactEmail Address
Head of Year 7 - Mr R Powellrpowell@dixonsba.com
Head of Year 8 - Mrs J Quinnjquinn@dixonsba.com
Head of Year 9 - Mr A Highamahigham@dixonsba.com
Head of Year 10 - Mr L Wilsonlwilson2@dixonsba.com
Head of Year 11 - Ms B Burnsbburns@dixonsba.com
Sixth Form - Mr M Owenmowen@dixonsba.com
SEND supportDBA-SEND@dixonsba.com
Attendance teamattendance@dixonsba.com
General enquiresinfo@dixonsba.com
Safeguarding (for professionals contact only - families must use their HOY contacts)safeguarding@dixonsba.com
Chair of Governors - James BarronJo.barr@dixonsat.com