Dixons Broadgreen Academy | About our sixth form
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Dixons Broadgreen Academy

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About our sixth form

Dixons Broadgreen Academy Sixth Form

At Dixons Broadgreen, we aim to provide the very best sixth form experience that will help students to thrive academically and develop professional standards, conduct and curiosity.

The Crux

"The decisive or most important point of an issue"
"A particular point of difficulty"
"The most difficult part of a climb. You need to get past the crux to complete the route"

The qualifications that students complete during their time in sixth form will be the most challenging of their education so far. They are the academic crux. We will ensure that students have the quality learning experiences, skills training and personal development to succeed on their chosen route to university or a real alternative.

Curriculum, Culture and Character

Our curriculum offer combines high quality A-level and BTEC subjects with a focus on Critical Thinking.

Our culture allows for personal character development and the curation of professional standards and conduct.

The power of curiosity is a key component of the Dixons Broadgreen Sixth Form experience, encouraging students to be curios about interpersonal and societal matters, building a more accurate picture of local and global issues.

Our students are empowered to act as professional learners, investing in their own education. We welcome students from all backgrounds and provide a wide range of academic routes that provide an excellent foundation for applying to top universities or real alternatives.

Please see the links below for additional information about our sixth form.

If you have any questions about our sixth form provision, please contact our Assistant Principal and Head of Sixth Form, Mr. Matt Owen, mowen@dixonsba.com

To apply for a place, please click here.