Dixons Broadgreen Academy | Dress code
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Dixons Broadgreen Academy

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Dress code

Dixons Broadgreen Academy Sixth Form expects students to adopt a professional approach to their studies and their conduct around the academy. This includes how our students choose to dress.

We require students to dress in an appropriate way for a focused, academic and professional environment. Students can choose what to wear to attend the academy if it is suitable and not dirty, distracting or offensive.

The principal, vice principal and head of sixth form have the right to determine if clothing is suitable.

Students must be dressed to study and to work comfortably and should ensure they are sufficiently covered for a learning environment.

For all students, Dixons Broadgreen Academy lanyards must be worn around the neck with the strap clearly visible and not tucked into clothing while on the academy premises. Photo ID cards must be displayed in lanyards with the photo ID clearly visible. Students must not cover their face while on the school premises for identification and clear communication purposes.

Coats should be taken off in lessons, though teachers may grant exceptions in cold weather. An appropriate sports kit of students' own choosing is required for participation level sporting lessons or enrichments. Students that choose competitive sporting enrichments must purchase our sixth form branded training kit for travelling to and from fixtures and training sessions as directed.

For certain celebratory events, more formal clothing may be expected. Students on work experience placements, community care placements, volunteering in trust schools or similar academy-organised and approved activities must be suitably dressed in accordance with the placement requirements.

We also want to provide guidance about what 'suitable for a focused, academic and professional environment' means in practice. The list below has examples of some things that would not be appropriate, but it is not a complete list of all clothing items that may be deemed inappropriate -

  • Flip flops / Sliders or footwear with impractical heels
  • Skirts, shorts or tops that are not suitable for a place of work.
  • Clothing with political slogans or images that may offend.

Should conflict arise between staff and students regarding dress, we would expect students to conduct themselves in a professional manner during any conversations and repeated incidences of inappropriate dress would become subject to our intervention procedures.

Any questions regarding this policy should be directed to Mr. Owen (Head of Sixth Form)