Dixons Broadgreen Academy | Homework
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Dixons Broadgreen Academy

Year 7 Parents Evening is on Monday 24th February from 5pm to 7pm. Read More


Only part of the academic experience of our sixth formers takes place in the classroom; a great deal more is covered by the individual students in their out-of-class time, either completing teacher-set tasks or researching and exploring their subjects more widely.

All Dixons Broadgreen Academy Sixth Form students are expected to complete homework. The purpose of homework is to develop the habit of reading, facilitate understanding of the curriculum in the classroom, and complement and reinforce the work done in school.

Sixth formers will be issued with a homework timetable at the beginning of the school year.

In addition to class contact time, sixth formers should expect to undertake study outside the classroom of about:

  • five hours per subject per week in Year 12
  • six hours per subject per week in Year 13

Some of this out-of-class study will be the completion of specific tasks set by the teacher; in addition, student-generated notetaking, extension tasks, wider reading, revision and other academic organisation are essential.

Homework will be set by teachers and is an essential part of the student experience as you develop your knowledge and skills in advance of exams and transition to higher education. All students and staff will be issued with a post-16 homework timetable to help with time management and organisation.


As part of a complete programme of study, students are involved in a range of enrichment activities. These additional opportunities ensure you are an attractive applicant to universities and employers.

Our enrichment opportunities include (but are in no way limited to):

  • competitive team and individual sport
  • participation sport
  • community sports leaders award
  • essay competitions
  • work experience
  • volunteering / service in local schools
  • drama productions
  • music ensembles and productions
  • wellbeing afternoon – pilates
  • Couch to 5K