Dixons Broadgreen Academy | External feedback
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Dixons Broadgreen Academy

Thank you to the NSPCC for their feedback - "A remarkable school... a determination to meet the needs of each student, with a long term goal of having a meaningful impact on their future opportunities." Read More

External feedback

"A remarkable school... a determination to meet the needs of each student, with a long term goal of having a meaningful impact on their future opportunities. The school has a strong sense of warmth and safety for all."

Feedback following an audit of the school, conducted by the NSPCC (February 2024)

"So impressed with your pupils at Dixons - Pupils were engaged, attentive and demonstrated the highest possible standards in relation to positive behaviour for learning and engagement. As a visitor, it is clear to see how pupils are committed to developing their academic and civic character. It really was a joy to observe the children developing their subject knowledge and understanding in such a collegiate way, contributing to reading and classroom discussion. A classroom of high expectations and positivity."

Feedback from a visitor from Liverpool Hope University (May 2024)

"The group of students I was supervising yesterday... I just wanted to give you some feedback as they were amazing. Interactive, confident, respectful, and funny! They were a pleasure to work with and this was the feedback from all the NHS staff."

Feedback from NHS Staff following a week long work experience visit (June 2024)

"We would like to extend our thanks for your support with Creating Careers Live: Health and Care Experience of the Workplace. Likewise we would like to congratulate the students who took part.

Students applied themselves in a professional and mature way showing impressive levels of concentration, teamwork and respect. We wish the students every success into a career in the Healthcare sector"

Feedback from Liverpool City Region Careers Hub (June 2024)